TONGA - Swimming With Whales

Whales are one of the dangerous and blood loving prederator on the planet, they love human blood. but inspite of the fact there are some places where swimming with these dangerous animal is considerd legal. tonga is one of the place on the planet based in the south pacific ocean and is known as friendship island. as swimming with whales on this island is totally legal.on this friendly island all these creatures specially whales and sharks are treated as friends and this is where real human nature shows his good quality. kingdom of tonga has many island and all of them are well know for its surroundings and well animal behaviours, in most of the cases in the past all the incidents indicate that sharks and whales are really dangerous and in most of the countries swimming with whales are ristricted but not in tonga, whales and sharks represents friendship in tonga and as a result swimming, playing and mingling with whales here in tonga is considered totally legal. kingdom of tonga is the perfect example of great friendship between humans and animals.