Tulppaani wind turbine runs a built-in fountain with renewable energy

Inspired by the tulip flower, Czech Republican designer Sergej Kuckir has created a unique wind turbine that looks more like a sculptural architecture than a wind power station. Dubbed “Tulppaani,” the wind turbine also works as a fountain to become a meeting place, attracting people towards the vast storehouse of renewable or sustainable sources of energy. Developed in collaboration with Martina Houzarová and Pasi Turpeinen, the turbine “grows from the water pond and smoothly twists towards the bottom.” The Tulppaani apart from harnessing the wind energy to produce electricity also pumps the water in the basin to circulate it in the fountain. The turbine also includes tricolored LED and optic fibers that illuminates using generated electricity at night to create colorful surroundings.