Natural Cure & Remedies for a Weak Bladder

Natural Cure & Remedies for a Weak Bladder

Across the world, millions of people are affected by weak bladder problems. It is an embarrassing condition that causes a discharge or passing of urine even before the people can make it to the bathroom. In this article there are natural cures and remedies for a weak bladder.

Weakness of Bladder is caused by childbirth, menopause and natural aging. Urine leakage is not a disease and is a medical problem that can be treated. People follow natural alternatives to strengthen the weak bladder.

Bladder weakness is of two types, stress incontinence and urge incontinence. Stress incontinence is occurred due to weak bladder muscles in the pelvic region. Extra pressure exerted while coughing, laughing, exercising, or sneezing is not handled by weak bladder muscles and cause incontinence. In urge incontinence the person first has a strong urge to urinate, followed by urine leak. The person may wake up in the middle of the night to urinate, urinate more than eight times a day, or have urge urinary incontinence due to an incapability to make it to the lavatory in time due to the unexpected strong urge that cannot be delayed. Urge incontinence from nerve damage mostly occurs from diabetes, strokes or other medical conditions.
Symptoms of Weak Bladder:

* Frequent involuntary urination
* Urine leakage on coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising
* Sensation of pelvic pressure
* Small amounts of blood in urine (cystitis)
* Stinging sensation while urinating (cystitis)

Natural cure for a Weak Bladder

Some changes in the diet can strengthen the bladder and decrease frequent urination. Drinking water on a regular basis is very important. It keeps the bladder working and dilutes the urine to inhibit growth of bacteria. Because of the partial emptying of the bladder people with incontinence are prone to urinary tract infections. Intake of alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, highly acidic foods and sugary drinks should be reduced as they contribute to frequent urges and some promote the growth of bacteria.

Exercises to fortify the pelvic floor frequently assist with bladder control. Kegel exercises can be done at anyplace and they are helpful. Try to stop the flow during urination. People identify the right muscle group if they are able to stop the flow of urine by tightening the pelvis. To really strengthen the bladder about 100 kegels per day must be done. Overdoing kegels can actually weaken the bladder in the short-term and make incontinence worse, especially when first starting.

some herbs can strengthen the bladder by working on the force of bladder contractions, toning the muscles or strengthening the sphincter. Bladder muscles and the bladder sphincter are strengthen by saw palmetto. It is useful for men and women, but men have extra advantage of defense from prostate cancer. Cranberry is a diuretic, but contributing to fewer require to urinate overall it can help the bladder empty faster. Corn silk decrease bacterial growth and makes the bladder empty better. Cranberry and corn silk are often sold together. Buchu empties the bladder and inhibits bacteria. Horsetail is both a diuretic and a muscle toner.
Home remedies for a Weak Bladder:

Uva Ursi:
A chemical, arbutin that present in uva ursi has antiseptic and analgesic properties and so it helps in clearing the urinary tract of bacteria. It also has diuretic effects that reduce the accumulation of uric acid. For bladder infections and to relieve the pain of urinary stones or gravel, uva ursi has been used by herbalists.

This is plant commonly grows in Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. Many naturopathic doctors suggest it for incontinence because of its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It consists of organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, fatty acids, and other natural ingredients.

Bromelain is derived from the pineapple plant. It has anti-inflammatory properties. So it may have a healing effect on bladder inflammation related to urinary tract infections or other inflammatory urinary conditions.

Cranberry juice, extract or pill supplements are known to flush out the bacteria causing a bladder infection.

Goldenrod is often used to treat urinary tract infections, inflammation, cystitis, kidney infections and bladder spasms. The herb acts as a natural diuretic and also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.

Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to 180 ml of boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool and sip 60 ml of this concoction every two hours, starting at 8 am and ending at noon. This remedy has been known to collapse the burning sensation, as well as cease the bleeding associated with cystitis.

Butterbur can ease bladder spasms. Butterbur is a natural pain reliever and has petasin, a compound that offers antispasmodic properties. It is obtainable in the form of capsule.

Sandalwood Oil:
Sandalwood oil has been known to act as a great remedy. Take five drops of the oil during the onset of the infection, eventually working the way up to 10-30 drops.

Yarrow has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Yarrow stops bleeding, tones the urinary tract and offers pain-relieving benefits while diminishing bladder spasms. It can be consumed as a tea.

Hot Water:
The pain can be eased when immersing the pelvis in hot water.

Drumstick Flowers:
A teaspoon of the fresh juice from drumstick flowers coupled with ½ a glass of coconut water is a great herbal remedy. This remedy should be taken twice per day.

Radish Leaves:
Consuming one cup of radish leaf juice for two weeks helps to treat a bladder infection.

Mix equal parts of fresh spinach juice with coconut water (about 100 ml each) to treat cystitis. It is the nitrates and potassium within these ingredients that create an effective and safe diuretic.

Cold Compresses:
To relieve the congestion within the pelvic area, apply cold compresses to the stomach.
Other remedies:

* Drink a lot of water as water take away toxins from the body.
* Taking tincture of buchu or echinacea can help cure acute urinary tract infection. Apple juice is also effective in treating bacterial infections.
* Non vegetarian food and food having lots of spices must be avoided.
* Varuna, punarnava and gokshura can be rubbed on the urinary tract of the infected person.
* To clean the urinary tract, baking soda can be taken with drinking water.
* Marshmallow tea has antiseptic effect and it can be taken to clean the body of microbes.
* Aromatherapy from the oils of juniper, sandalwood, tea tree and bergamot can be applied on the urinary tract and it prevents urinary infection.
* Junk food and food having lots of spices should be avoided.
* Hygiene should be maintained and the patient should not take alcohol or smoke.
* Echinacea tea is also helpful in treating infection and it can be taken after dinner and lunch.
* Apple cider vinegar can also be taken to get rid of the bacteria from the body as the patients suffering from urinary tract infections suffer from deficiency in minerals and vitamins. Vinegar will help the patients from fighting the infections of the bacteria and also be a good source of nutrition.