How to Treat Acne and Dry Skin

How to Treat Acne and Dry Skin

 Though it is a common perception that oily skinned people are vulnerable to acne, people with dry skin are not immune to acne.

People with dry skin are not normally affected, but they certainly can get it. Dry skin acne is caused when the natural moisture content of the skin becomes very low or lost. The skin loses its moisture content and becomes dry, especially during the winter season.

The skin tends to itch and peel off when it becomes dry. In extreme cases, it leads to cracking of the skin, which is sore and sometimes bleeds.

Skin Care for Acne and Dry Skin

One of the most important things that you should remember when dealing with acne and dry skin is that a skin care regimen is vital. There is no way that you can skimp and ignore the needs of your skin. If you do, you will be left with a mess. At its most basic, your skin care routine should include the following:

    * Cleanser - Use a balancing cleanser that will gently cleanse your skin without drying it out. Skin that is acne prone has to be cleansed more often than other types of skin. Keep this in mind when choosing your cleanser. Choose something that can be used multiple times daily.

    * Toner – Toners and astringents are an important part of any acne skin care routine. Take care, though many toners that are made for acne prone skin are very drying. You need to make sure than anything that you use is made for acne prone skin as well as patches of dry skin.

    * Lotion – Always use a daily lotion that evens out your skin. A good daily lotion will moisturize dry skin while absorbing skin oils that cause acne.

    * Intense Treatments – For especially difficult areas, you can spot treat your skin. Use acne treatments only on areas that are continuously affected by acne. You can also moisturize especially dry areas with a nightly intense moisturizer applied only to your dry skin.

Jojoba Oil and Alpha Hydroxy Acid

   1. The addition of 3 drops of jojoba oil to your moisturizer upon each application should take care of flakiness entirely. Most oils are not recommended for use with acne prone skin. Jojoba oil is an exception and may actually be beneficial. Its chemical structure closely mimics that of human skin oil (sebum). Because of this, it may actually convince the skin that it has plenty of sebum and to stop overproducing. Jojoba oil is different from other oils in that it contains no triglyceride component and is non-comedogenic. It also feels nice and has a mild and pleasant scent.
   2. A 5-10% alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), whether as a stand alone product or inside a moisturizer, is another recourse for flakiness. Glycolic acid and lactic acid both do the trick. These acids tend to sting at the onset of the Regimen. You will need to wait about 4-6 weeks for your skin to become accustomed to benzoyl peroxide before adding in AHA. AHAs have been shown to heighten sensitivity to the sun, so it’s important that you use a sunscreen.

Things to Avoid

Just as there are things that you should do to treat your combination skin, there are some things that you should avoid. Keep in mind that everyone’s skin is different and yours may be able to tolerate the following to certain degrees.

    * Sun – The sun is the number one factor that dries and ages your skin. On the other hand, Ultra Violet rays can work wonders at clearing up acne. To get the acne fighting benefits of Ultra Violet rays without the damage associated with sun bathing, visit a tanning bed twice weekly for about 7 minutes per session. This amount of light will not tan or damage your skin but will help dry up your acne.

    * Cleansing Pads – Many cleansing pads formulated for acne riddled skin are extremely harsh and not intended for use on dry skin. People with oily skin can use these pads several times a day, but dry skin sufferers should not use them at all.

    * Oils and Moisturizers – Just as many treatments for acne can dry your skin, many treatments for dry skin can cause acne. Avoid products with heavy oils and emollients. Perfumes and certain moisturizers may also cause breakouts.


Treating dry skin and acne combination skin does not have to be confusing and impossible. It can be as easy as reading product labels and making sure that you are purchasing products that are formulated for your unique skin. There are several good products on the market that are perfect for combination skin; you just have to find the ones that are perfect for you.