Sennheiser Wifi Headphone

Sennheiser Wifi Headphone

The RS160, the RS170, and the RS 180 wireless headphone sets to its variety capable high-resolution, movie-theater-quality audio using uncompressed wireless broadcast from Kleer. All the wireless headphone sets are equipped with the best features and technology. RS 170 model is listed at 262 feet, RS 160 at 65 feet and the RS 180 at 328 feet.

One of the major enhancements with all headsets above their ancestors is the series that the wireless indication can take your audio. These wireless handsets awesome, you can enjoy music, movie and voice chat.a movie with the volume set to their preferred volume with no maddening the neighbours. These handsets are available with the price tag of $200 for the RS160, $300 for the RS 180 and $250 for the RS170. Just check out these latest wireless handsets.